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“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson


The aim of our PSHE, RSE and Personal Development curriculum is to give our pupils the skills, knowledge and understanding to lead confident, healthy and safe lives both now and in the future as thriving individuals, family members and part of society in an ever-changing world. Within PSHE, we intend to nurture our school values of Belief, Honesty and Aspiration, so that these values are embedded and help our students aspire to be the best they can be, to have dreams for their future and know what is required to reach them.  

Through our curriculum our pupils will:

  • build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem, identify and manage risk, make informed choices about factors which may influence their health and wellbeing and understand what influences their decisions.
  • learn to recognise, accept and shape their identities, to understand and accommodate difference and change, to manage emotions and to communicate constructively in a variety of settings.
  • develop an understanding of themselves, empathy and the ability to work with others and learn how to form and maintain good relationships and better enjoy and manage their lives.
  • develop essential skills for future employability.


Year 6  

  • Transition to BHA. 

  • Developing goals and personal targets. 

  • Learning skills. Learning how skills and interests relate to jobs and careers. 

  • Relationships education – personal identity and learning about families. Learning about healthy and unhealthy friendships, including communicating safely and respectfully online. 

  • Relationships and sex education – learning about growing up, puberty, positive and healthy relationships including introduction to consent. 

  • Mental and emotional wellbeing – managing challenges and change, changing emotions, self-support and how to seek support. 

  • The rule of law – belonging to a community, anti-social behaviour, challenging stereotypes, inclusion. 

  • Healthy lifestyles including sleep and dental health. 

  • Living in the wider world – managing money  


Year 7 

  • Careers education including job skills, career influences, career pathways. 

  • Puberty and emotional changes – healthy and unhealthy relationships, managing conflict, consent. 

  • Healthy lifestyles including drug, alcohol and smoking education. 

  • Friendships and bullying including online relationships. Peer influence. 

  • Financial wellbeing  

  • Relationships education including changes to friendships, what healthy relationships look like, online relationships and how to respond to gender-based hurtful behaviour. 

  • What is democracy – the role of Parliament and how laws are made. 


Year 8  

  • Financial literacy 

  • Careers education – skills and attributes, stereotypical thinking in the workplace, communicating and presenting, digital persona and employment. 

  • Relationships and sex education – healthy and positive relationships, stereotypes and the media, safe online relationships, bullying. 

  • Digital mental health and wellbeing. 

  • Relationships and sex education including stereotypes and expectations of gender roles, behaviour and intimacy; consent in intimate situations; introduction to contraception and sexual health. 

  • Mental health and wellbeing – resilience and change. 

  • Living in the wider world. 


PSHE education makes a significant contribution to the development of a wide range of essential skills.

Essential Skills

The intrapersonal skills required for self-management

The interpersonal skills required for positive relationships in a wide variety of settings

Skills of enquiry
  1. Critical, constructive self-reflection (including being aware of own needs, motivations and learning, strengths and next steps for development, how we are influenced by our perception of peers’ behaviour)
  2. Learning from experience to seek out and make use of constructive feedback.
  3. Setting challenging personal goals (including developing strategies to achieve them and knowing when to change them)
  4. Making decisions (including knowing when to be flexible)
  5. Recognising some of the common ways our brains can ‘trick us’ or ‘trap us’ in unhelpful thinking (including generalisation, distortion of events, deletion of information, misconceptions or misperceptions about the behaviour of peers)
  6. Resilience (including self-motivation, adaptability, constructively managing change including setbacks and stress)
  7. Self-regulation (including managing strong emotions e.g. negativity and impulse)
  8. Recognising and managing the need for peer approval
  9. Self-organisation (including time management)
  1. Active listening
  2. Empathy
  3. Communication (non-verbal and verbal including assertiveness and recognising how this differs from aggressive and passive behaviour; being able to present and communicate ideas, arguments and thoughts effectively)
  4. Team working (including agreeing clear and challenging outcomes, facilitation, co-operation, networking and the ability to provide, receive and respond to, constructive feedback and take on different roles; the ability to recognise and learn from others’ experience)
  5. Negotiation (including flexibility, self-advocacy and compromise)
  6. Recognising and utilising strategies for managing pressure, persuasion and coercion.
  7. Responding to the need for positive ​​​​​affirmation for self and others.
  1. Formulating questions
  2. Gathering and using data (including assessing the validity and reliability of sources of data and using a variety of sources)
  3. Analysis (including separating fact from opinion)
  4. Planning and deciding
  5. Recalling and applying knowledge creatively and in novel situations.
  6. Drawing and defending conclusions using evidence and not just assertion.
  7. Identification, assessment (including prediction) and management of risk.
  8. Evaluating social norms.
  9. Reviewing progress against objectives.


Additional Learning Opportunities

  • Daily form time activities include learning about current affairs through
  • Monthly focus in tutor time on a specific career – Career of the Month
  • Visits to workplaces, such as Price Waterhouse Coopers, Birmingham
  • Visits to school by Worcester Magistracy to talk about the rule of law, order, crime, as well as careers in these fields.
  • Outside speakers from the world of work and colleges, higher/further education providers
  • Enrichment afternoon activities for Y7 and Y8 include first aid, enterprise activities, IDEA (Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award), learning about ‘The Built Environment’ and a wellbeing unit.
  • Aspects of the 'Living in the Wider World' curriculum strand are taught through humanities
  • Aspects of ‘Health and Wellbeing’ are taught in science, PE and food technology lessons.
  • Aspects of online safety and wellbeing are included in the computing curriculum.
  • British Values and the Protected Characteristics are embedded in the English and humanities curricula.
  • Drop-down days e.g. ‘Learn to Earn’ money management day, ‘Step into the NHS’ careers day.
  • Assemblies: Assemblies take place weekly for the whole school and for each year group. Assemblies have a theme linked to developing aspects of student’s character including their emotional and cultural literacy and aspects of SMSC. Assemblies can include developing student’s education around significant national or international awareness events. The assemblies also offer the opportunity to celebrate student achievements.

We constantly review and adapt our PSHE and RSE curriculum to meet the changing needs of our students and our school community.

Last Update : September 2024

Contact Us

Bredon Hill Academy
Elmley Road, Ashton-under-Hill, Evesham, Worcestershire WR11 7SW

01386 881426