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Religious Education (RE)

‘No man’s knowledge here can go beyond his experience.’  

John Locke (philosopher)

BHA provokes challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. Pupils develop a curiosity about life and our place in the world.

Through our curriculum, pupils:

  • Interpret and explain how religion and belief can influence individuals and society and communities;
  • Interpret the wide range of ways in which religion and belief can be expressed;
  • Consider, explore and evaluate some ‘big questions’ giving reasoned arguments and responses.


Curriculum Overview

Year 6



What are worldviews? Our personal worldviews

Religion and Belief – overview of major world religions

Humanism – an introduction

Numeracy skills – interpretation of numbers (analysis); empathy.

Research the Big 6 – major world religions

Research skills; empathy.

Islam – where it fits in our world : Islam in UK – challenging misconceptions  - extended writing

Islam – Hajj – what is pilgrimage and why is it so important?

Challenging misconceptions; using the media as sources; interpreting stories; empathy and reflection.

Sikhi – exploring the religion of Sikhi (including why this has recently changed)

Research skills; interpreting data; investigating real stories; empathy; discussion and debating

Philosophy – asking the big questions Where does our understanding come from? What influences it? Philosophers throughout history and their ‘Big Ideas’

Investigating and interpreting; empathy; discussion and debating

Spirited Arts – national competition (linking all topics covered throughout Yr 6)

Application of knowledge built up this year; developing creativity.


Year 7



Intro – worldviews, what are they and what are ours?

Bible – The Big Story

Exploring and understanding key concepts of the Bible; enquiry skills; evaluation; empathy, discussion and debating.

Artistic interpretations of Jesus– comparison of different interpretations from around the world

Interpretation skills; comparison skills; evaluation skills; empathy, discussion and debating.

Hinduism – exploring the basics. Comparison with concepts of Christianity (e.g. Trimurti/Trinity)

Exploring and understanding key concepts of Hinduism; comparison skills; enquiry skills; handling data.

Hindu festival of Holi -  Why are festivals important in religion?

Discussion; research.

Religious rebels and Inspirational People – How have people inspired others by rebelling Various leaders studied (e.g. Nelson Mandela/Malala)

Discussion; debating; reflection; empathy.

Individual project based on inspirational person of their choice and how religion has played a part in their being.

Research skills; evaluation; analysis; reflection.


Year 8



Buddhism – when a religion doesn’t have a god

Exploration of key concepts of Buddhism; interpreting data.

What it means to live as a Buddhist – from the everyday to the monastery

Empathy – exploring different views; comparison skills

Christian denominations – one religion or many? What are some of the fundamental differences? Comparison of Baptism within the Christian church – writing a balanced argument

Comparison of different denominations; discussion; research; analysis; writing balanced arguments.

Christian denominations – exploring pilgrimage – extended writing task – Should all Christians have to go on pilgrimage?

Understanding argument; writing balanced arguments; empathy seen through written expression.  

Judaism – exploring the basics, what makes up the religion and its place in today’s world

Exploring where it came from and what lead to the centuries of persecution.

Holocaust – what was it? How were the Jews affected? Lasting impact?

Research; discussion; empathy; expression; analysis of sources; interpretation



We teach and assess our curriculum through our curriculum related expectations:

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

I can show an understanding of how religion can shape peoples' lives (e.g. Islam in UK)

I can begin to understand the diversity within religions (e.g. Hinduism in UK)

I can begin to understand the diversity within religions. (e.g. Orthodox/Reform Judasim)

I can show an understanding of the variety of religious experiences.

I can build an expanding religious vocabulary, based on the topics studied.

I can build an expanding religious vocabulary, based on the topics studied.

I can begin to understand the views and opinions of others.

I can show an understanding of how religion can shape peoples’ lives. (e.g. Hinduism/Christianity)

I can show an understanding of how religion can shape people’s lives.

I can read and interpret key passages within a text. (e.g. The Bible)

I can show an understanding of the variety of different religious experiences. (e.g. Diwali)

I can show an understanding of the variety of religious experiences.

I can select similarities and differences between religions/beliefs in terms of moral issues.

I can begin to understand the views and opinions of others.

I can make links between religion and human experience.

I can consider how people might be influenced to answer philosophical questions.

I can read and interpret key passages within a text (e.g. Biblical description of Heaven)

I can begin to understand the views and opinions of others.

I can begin to understand the diversity within religions.

I can use relevant quotations from texts in my written work.

I can listen to and share my own thoughts and opinions in class discussions and build in reasoning.

I can build an expanding religious vocabulary based on the topics studied.

I can build a personal interpretation of key religious stories (e.g. creation in Christianity and Hinduism) and identify links.

I can read and interpret key passages within a text. (e.g. Torah)

I can express my view of a statement (e.g. where is God?) in an artistic way with description of my choices.

I can explore people who have been an inspiration to many. (e.g. MLK, Malala)


I can use paragraphs to construct an essay based on a question about religion. (Which form of Baptism would you consider best?)


I can listen to and share my own thoughts and opinions in class discussions.

I can listen to others and share my own thoughts and opinions in class discussions.


I can select similarities and differences between religions/beliefs in terms of moral issues. (e.g. Kosher in Judaism)





Additional Learning Opportunities


Useful Links


Last Updated: June 2023

Contact Us

Bredon Hill Academy
Elmley Road, Ashton-under-Hill, Evesham, Worcestershire WR11 7SW

01386 881426